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How to enable conversion tracking
How to enable conversion tracking
Written by Tsvetana Dimitrova
Updated over 3 weeks ago

A conversion happens when an interested visitor of your website or a potential customer carries out a specific action, for example, clicks on a link or on a text/video advertisement and then takes an action that is valuable to your business, such as an online purchase.

The conversion tracking functionality allows you to analyze data on conversions associated with your marketing initiatives, advertisements, and additional activities. This data can assist you in refining and enhancing your business strategies to attain exceptional outcomes.

When the conversion tracking is enabled for a given domain, we will pass a special and unique identifier (clid parameter) in every short URL, which is used by third-party analytics to detect successful customer conversions.

You can then review the conversion results in the Branded links section of the Dashboard.

To enable conversion tracking

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. In the Dashboard navigate to the Domain settings -> Redirects:

  3. Mark the option Enable conversion tracking.

  4. Click on Save changes.

  5. Shorten a link and open it in a browser. In the address bar you can review the unique conversion clid parameter similar to the one below:


Note: To ensure that conversion statistics are recorded and presented when users perform significant actions, the conversion page must send a callback request to, including the clid.

The entire process for capturing the parameter and transmitting a conversion event is detailed in the following article.

To review conversions

You can review the conversions for each of your short links from the Branded links panel:

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