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Click stream analysis on
Andy K. avatar
Written by Andy K.
Updated over 3 months ago

Click stream analysis is a sequence of links that were recently clicked. The collected data of clicks play a crucial role for marketers, advertisers, and developers.

Each click contains broad information about a user. You track not only the general link/domain statistics, but also the detailed data about the origin of the click.

How to access the click stream data

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Navigate to the Click Stream menu:

  3. You can add more data to the table by clicking on Columns and selecting the needed options:

Metrics included in click stream

Тhe click stream detailed data includes:

  • Short link — a link that was clicked

  • Date/time — the approximate period when a link was clicked

  • IP address — the IP address of the person/bot that clicked on the link. It shares additional information like geographical position

  • Status — the HTTP status of a redirection. If the redirection was successful, 302 and 200 statuses are displayed

  • Browser — the name and version of a browser of the link visitor, for example: Chrome/130

  • Referrer — web address from which the redirects to the web page were made. This is used to identify sources of traffic

  • MethodGET or POST depending on how the redirect was transferred

  • User Agent — a catalog of technical data about the device and software that the visitor used

  • Is HumanYes or No values depending on the type of source: human or bot clicks

  • URL the original long URL

  • OS (Operation System) — the OS from which the user visited the link, for example, Linux

  • Social network — the specific social network from which a click originates, for example, LinkedIn

  • Country — the country from where a click was made

  • City — the city from where a click was made

  • UTM tags (Source, Medium, Campaign) — specific UTM tags used to redirect (if set for a link)

  • Variation URL — indicates whether or not the A/B testing is set for a link

Why is click stream important

The reason to track click stream is to extract specific information about the short links that users visit frequently. Investigating click stream, you get the detailed information about a particular user to make decisions about future marketing strategy without guessing.

There is a wealth of information to analyze: search terms, IPs, countries, browsers, etc. The examination of click streams will give you insight into who your visitors are.

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